The Federation of St George's RC Primary School with Our Lady & St Peter RC Primary School

Our Lady and Saint Peter RC Primary School

Children at the Centre ~ Jesus at the Heart

Saint George’s RC Primary School

We Love, Live, Learn in the Light of Christ.

George Street, Bridlington, East Riding of Yorkshire YO15 3PS

01262 670138

Our Lady and St Peter RC Primary Academy

Children at the Centre ~ Jesus at the Heart

This page is in the process of being updated


Safer Internet Day 2019

Every year we celebrate Safer Internet Day. This year the focus was 'Together for a better Internet' and particularly looked at consent and permission.

Mrs Clarke and Mr Dixon together with the School's Digi Leaders ran a Key Stage 1 and a Key Stage 2 assembly teaching the children all about the importance of keeping safe on the Internet through ensuring they always ask permission before the children go on games, access sites and agree to terms and conditions they are unsure of.

Following on from the assembly in KS2, the children created individual pledges to show how they need to keep safe on the Internet. In KS1 they created whole class pledges to show their understanding.

Mrs Clarke has also run a KS2 class competition to design a poster showing the children's understanding of how to keep safe on the Internet.